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School calendar 2024-2025
02/04/2024 | 3:10 sáng GMT+7

Dearest parents,

Our school calendar for 2024-2025 is now available, please check it out.

Kindest regards,
SHIK Management

School calendar 2023-2024
04/04/2023 | 8:52 sáng GMT+7

Dear parents,


Our school calendar for the new year 2023-2024 is now available, please check it out.
Warmest regards,

SHIK Management

School calendar 2022-2023
29/11/2022 | 8:13 sáng GMT+7

Dear parents,


Please take a look at our school calendar for the 2022–2023 academic year.

School Calendar 2021-2022
24/03/2021 | 8:42 sáng GMT+7

Dearest parents,


Our calendar for the new school year 2021-2022 is now available, please check it out.